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There's power in them thar waves! That's why Portugal built Agucadoura, the world's first wave farm off its coast, consisting of three Wave Energy Converters generating a total of 2.25MW.
The elongated metal contraptions bob up and down with the waves, while internal pistons, attached to the sea floor, remain stationary and pump hydraulic fluid. This drives electric generators, whose power is brought ashore by underwater electrical cables. The wave farm is now tapping into enough constant, renewable energy to power 1500 homes.
Who knew there was so much power in the ocean waves? If we laid these 459-foot orange caterpillars all over the world's oceans, we could tap 2 terawatts of power, twice the consumption of the entire world. That's not exactly practical, but a smaller-scale rollout of such generators might be a clean power alternative, ready to be snapped up by an energy-starved planet.
Pelamis Wave Power, via Inhabitat
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CoolProducts at 2:53 PM ON 10/22/08
Such an awesome idea and does not look all too complicated! I'm glad to see it is in practice and not just in theory, something that may help for other countries to adopt this idea!
brittsims at 3:31 PM ON 10/22/08
Definitely cool to see. In the US, Oregon is in the process of putting wave energy devices into practice as well. There are a lot of different technologies being tested in the world right now, and Oregon is looking at buoys as the devices to harness the wave energy here.
E at 4:55 PM ON 10/22/08
Amazing to learn people finally put it to practice! Congratulations and pls keep up a good work!
budgethero at 5:19 PM ON 10/22/08
i could be going overboard, but u might get some extra juice by putting solar panels on them. i know, there seems to be the attitude to just slap panels on everything.
but one worry is keeping these things securely contained. dont want to electrocute sea life or beach goers.
Lol at 7:17 PM ON 10/22/08
Budget... cmon man. Those are some kinda silly points. First, these things appear to be making like... you know, decent amounts of power? If three of them power fifteen hundred homes. It'd probably cost more to cover them in solar panels than to build a new system (by probably I mean definately, many many times more), and it wouldn't make much energy to boot. Solar panels are still a novelty for everyone but pot farmers; they're just not high enough producers of energy for their price, and they only work at their best a couple of hours a day.
And electrocuting people? Really? All they have to seal is a single box at the bottom. If it breaks open, it's going to short out, not just dump tons of energy into the ocean. As a matter of a fact, these things would be great FOR dumping energy into the ocean, meaning for providing power to create seacrete to create reef structure.
But, anyway, this is pretty neat. I don't see why it's the first one in the world, though? That kind of just sounds like a random lie. All it is is a buoy attatched to a rope which moves a pair of opposing magnets (you know, wraps and unwraps around an axle) to create electricity. The power generation equipment would be the exact same as in hydroelectric or wind projects.
Hell, any idiot could build a small version of this thing in their back yard. That really sounds like a lie that it is the first use of them.
steve at 7:25 PM ON 10/22/08
This technology needs to work with geothermal
name at 4:41 AM ON 10/23/08
The sky is falling at 4:59 AM ON 10/23/08
With all these wave farms will the moon crash onto earth?
kaser at 5:00 AM ON 10/23/08
Go Portugal Go
sartago at 6:11 AM ON 10/23/08
This is about 20 miles away from the place I work.
princessdiscovery at 7:12 AM ON 10/23/08
great nature friendly & safe resouce for energy
Micaman at 8:02 AM ON 10/23/08
I live a few miles away from this stuff, and i had no ideia it even existed. It's really curious to find news from my country in a blog like this! Good work. Keep up
steve at 8:18 AM ON 10/23/08
That's very cool. Any idea how much these things cost to make?
Jim Beam at 8:20 AM ON 10/23/08
Wow that is truly amazing! I hope more will follow
Mark at 8:27 AM ON 10/23/08
This isn't the first "wave farm". People are very impressed by this I see... but this is actually been around for centuries. Nova Scotia (in Canada) built a wave farm in the 80's and it generates more than twice as much power as this farm.
Read this:
Andy Stannard at 8:52 AM ON 10/23/08
Great idea with huge potential! Only concern is with all of this energy in the waves the amount of maintainance it will take to keep them functioning. Hopefully this is one of several technologies to make us carbon neutral.
For global warming though I think to have a big effect people need to be weened off high meat diet.
michi at 8:57 AM ON 10/23/08
Good stuff.
Japan should have this one too.
Big Gav at 9:07 AM ON 10/23/08
Thanks for linking to my "tidal power in nova scotia" post - but I should point out that is about *tidal* power, not *wave* power - there is a significant difference.
For a comprehensive rundown of all projects (of both types) that I know of, check this out:
800HighTech at 1:25 PM ON 10/23/08
Well if it works, it works.
jerryn at 1:25 PM ON 10/23/08
Hey.. Great job Portugal! This is the first wave power generator. I know portugal also has hot springs all over San Miguel.. maybe they can tap geothermal too!
Nova Scotia has Tidal power generators, and for good reason! Have you ever been there? there's a 40ft. difference between high and low tide!
A Thought at 2:51 PM ON 10/23/08
Think of what a wave farm could also do to help protect vulnerable coast lines ... such as down in Mississippi and Louisiana whose natural barriers have almost been rendered useless. It probably wouldn't do a whole lot, but it's at least a start ... plus everyone can benefit from the energy.
Anonymous at 5:15 PM ON 10/23/08
great job dude
Uncle B at 6:53 PM ON 10/23/08
OPEC nations please take note! at any price, we don't really need your polluting oil and can, with a little though, and some small effor,t do without it! Oil contains benzine, a major cause of cancer in humans. My ribbon is pink, what color is yours? Bravo Portugal!
daydreamer at 10:49 PM ON 10/23/08
Combination of wind, wave, geothermal and hydrogen with solar power should work wonders. But politicians will spoil every thing unless they get huge kick backs.
Trigeia Twinz at 3:58 PM ON 10/24/08
We heard about these devices a while back. it is exciting to see that they are working and providing energy to thousands of homes. Wonderful!
Trigeia Twinz
Whats Your Passion ?
specialcharacter at 8:09 PM ON 10/24/08
Invented in Bonny Scotland, after a blokes wife told hom to! Afraid I have no reference for this, but saw it on TV a couple of weeks ago.
treadmillchinafactory at 9:53 PM ON 10/26/08
CR at 8:46 AM ON 10/30/08
Does anyone have a link to video of these things in action? I think it would be cool to see how exactly they move in the waves.
duckballs at 1:23 AM ON 11/01/08
When all this energy is harvested from the tidal forces or waves, what effect will it have upon the ocean itself? Remember energy is a zero sum game. Beware the eco-bullshit.
Kiwi at 7:07 AM ON 11/01/08
I'm from new zealand... and its really good to see that this sort of power generation could save alot of money! Not to mention... FAR cheaper to set up rather then Dams and Nuclear energy (New Zealand is famous for 100% Nuclear free). We use mainly wind power, hydrodams, and very rarely... solar. We are isolated by miles and miles of ocean... we have HUGE swells no more then 50km away... perhaps this idea could be a solution later in the future.
nashworld at 2:30 PM ON 11/01/08
Wow... love this post. I am glad you decided to post such an innovative application. Alternative energy can often be so simple in concept. I will certainly share this with my marine biology students at:
Bored at 7:03 PM ON 11/03/08
this thing is awesome. it looks like the red solid boosters on the space shuttle.
Anonymous at 5:55 PM ON 11/04/08
over here we still consume red diesel to warm up.. i feel shamed!
logikonline at 2:13 PM ON 11/09/08
Outstanding job guys!! Keep it up, eventually America will wake up - until then there are still some of us watching in amazement.
saintblade at 6:32 AM ON 11/10/08
WOW!!! This is amazing. We could use a couple of those in South Africa. Only problem is the Cape of storms. We usually have 10meter high waves over here in the storm season. Thinks a these things will end up in someone backyard. We currently have a lot of wind power generators, which works fantastic. There is a option now of getting a wind generator for each home that will also heat the water in the home. Only problem it is to expensive for the notmal persons budget.
clem at 7:14 AM ON 11/10/08
Nice. Juicy frankfurters with sexy rocking motion.
TruthBeTold at 7:59 PM ON 11/13/08
Seems as though there is some bad information here. The world uses 15TW annually, not 2TW [see]. There is 356,000km [or 222,500 miles] of shoreline in the world. [See]. To generate the world's energy needs, you'd have to set 90 of these things for every mile of shoreline on every beach in every country of the world. That's 1 every 58 feet! Not what I want to see when I go to the beach . . .
plopes at 12:57 PM ON 11/14/08
It is ridiculous that people come here to criticize when they should think this is a great idea to support and to divulge. THINK GREEN THE PLANET NEEDS IT
Mark at 3:19 PM ON 11/14/08
TruthBeTold: Put a few hundred metres offshore you wouldn't see them unless from a high place. And what a great way to foul up an aggressor's invasion plans..nothing but small boats would get past them! Everyone needs to start thinking "anything but hydrocarbon". Between wind, solar, waves, there should be enough. If not, curtail use.
Seems as though there is some bad information here. The world uses 15TW annually, not 2TW [see]. There is 356,000km [or 222,500 miles] of shoreline in the world. [See]. To generate the world's energy needs, you'd have to set 90 of these things for every mile of shoreline on every beach in every country of the world. That's 1 every 58 feet! Not what I want to see when I go to the beach . . .
Ray The Money Man at 7:57 PM ON 11/14/08
I am the first to say we need it all. But this is no where near the horse power we need to beat Peak Oil.
Great post though!
whats_up at 11:18 PM ON 11/14/08
Put solar cells on them? They could then power 1503 homes instead of 1500.
Duckballs: You tell us what effect this will have on the oceans. Do you have a better idea? Where does your energy come from?
Uncle B: To be oil free, it will not take a little thought and a small effort, It will take a lot of thought and a big effort. Worth it in my opinion.
TruthBeTold: I am always skeptical when I read so-called facts on sites like this. Although I did not verify your numbers, I applaud you for stating references for anyone who doubts them.
We need to be creative, develop, test and implement those energy sources which show promise.
Great post.
Thank you.
ChrisNova777 at 9:14 AM ON 11/15/08
BRAVO!!!!!!!!! THANK GOD there are still some men devoted to doing things that are right as opposed to doing things that are self-profiting..
Birdie at 7:10 PM ON 11/15/08
What's holding it up. Sounds like an answer.
Ryan G at 6:22 AM ON 11/16/08
Very good idea. Let's get more of these out.
Caleb at 1:46 PM ON 11/16/08
If they could strap on some wind turbines on top, wave turbines underneath strung along the pistons, which also somehow use geothermal heat and solar heat to like, boil water that keeps one unified electric generator moving, that would be awesome.
Sexy Cheese at 6:09 PM ON 11/16/08
This is such an awesome idea. More of these please!
justinnerd at 10:17 AM ON 11/18/08
It's cool, but I didn't see any mention of price???? That is the reason windmills and other renewable energy sources aren't practical.
$peccie at 7:28 PM ON 11/18/08
Not to bore you, but these babies were built in Arnish, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides and shipped to Portugal
Nagoor at 2:56 PM ON 11/19/08
Awesome technique.
istanbul masters at 3:01 PM ON 11/20/08
very usefull information, i think istanbul(bosphorus) is one of the best palace for this technologie.
i hope someone are going to think about this...
steele m.a. at 12:36 AM ON 11/21/08
Need more of those off the west coast.
mojahidctg at 12:59 AM ON 11/21/08
very nice
Iamhere at 11:40 AM ON 11/22/08
Like everything else to do with energy there will certainly be some ecological downsides. The most important environmental quality "devise" is GOOD community planning. Mixed zoning--no commuting--lots of relaxing / interesting / interacting walking / running / pedaling.
BARBARA at 10:11 PM ON 11/25/08
wozza.xing at 11:47 AM ON 11/26/08
"while internal pistons, attached to the sea floor"
attached to the sea floor?? You mean.. in the ocean, on the sea bed.. where the fish live.
about as environMENTALLY friendly as hyrdo I say.
better luck next time.
chaasman at 3:05 AM ON 12/01/08
Add geothermal at seafloor and wind turbines above for more power per device...
Kyle Mac at 3:51 PM ON 12/01/08
This is just one of the MANY ways we can ween ourselves off of fossil fuels. If you check out the zeitgeist movie website you will see that there are soo many possibilities.
jacare at 6:48 PM ON 12/01/08
I think you should mention the location where the device is at work.
Only lazy governments keep exploiting fossil sources of energy. They wantt us to pay huge taxes on petrol instead of promoting the renewable sources of clean energy like this.
Dr.Praveen at 10:20 PM ON 12/02/08
very good.
hope to see this device in India.
william ahodge at 6:32 AM ON 12/05/08
this is great i have thought of this and other way,s but no one want,s to listen but now thank the good people we are starting to get off oil and waist full systems
Johan at 5:05 PM ON 12/05/08
I think we should forget these and burn more coal instead - they're ugly!
Sid1138 at 3:55 PM ON 12/08/08
You don't get energy for free. By removing the energy from the waves, you are reducing the wave size when it reaches the shore. Reduced wave size means less air/water mixing. It means less sediment deposit onshore. It means less nutrition brought from the shore and mixed into the water.
So, what are the long-term affects of this solution? What happens if we spread this around every bay and inlet in the world? Will the estuaries start to die off? I love how everyone says how great these are when the long-term issues (or for that matter short term) are not investigated.
freaktroll at 7:04 PM ON 12/09/08
I've seen them talk about that on - they are pretty sweet!